Friday, November 23, 2007

The Results Of Colon Cleansing

Colon Cleansing is becoming an increasingly popular ritual among not only the stars, but also average everyday people. Colon Cleansing a method where you colon is cleansed to remove toxins. It is believed that disease and illness begin with a toxic bowel. Getting a regular colon cleansing can not only heal the body, it can also make you feel more energetic and clean.

Look at the way our diets have evolved over the years, we eat fast food, hormone infested meat, even vegetables sprayed with insecticides. We live on a steady stream of sugar and processed foods. Unfortunately these man made snacks are messing up the natural flow of nature. Regular colon cleansing results in removing that nasty build up from your colon.

What Does Colon Cleansing Remove?

Colon cleansing results in removing something called mucoid plaque. Mucoid plaque is a harmful coating of mucus-like material existing in the gastrointestinal tracts of most people. This build up is meant to be naturally expelled from the body, but with stress and poor eating habits, it unfortunately remains and causes problems. The healthy colon weighs about 4 pounds. One autopsy revealed a colon choked with 40 pounds of impacted mucoid plaque! A colon cleanse results in preparing your body for optimal health by removing the mucoid plaque. You have over twenty feet of intestinal tract that your food has to pass through, most of the time, it gets lodged. This is what eventually leads to toxins being released into your body.

There are also other immediate colon cleansing results such as weight loss. Due to a build up in your intestines, when that is cleaned out, naturally you weigh less and look slimmer. This weight loss can range from five to twenty pounds in some cases. This is not a permanent fix, but many people rely on a colon cleanse to make their tummy’s look flat for a big night, such as a wedding or award ceremony. Bare in mind that immediately after a colon cleanse sometimes you retain water and look bloated. A colon cleanse is not suggested for merely cosmetic reasons, because it is essential that you follow with a healthier diet and an herbal follow up plan in order to maintain a healthy colon regularly. To receive optimum results you should repeat the process a few times to make sure that everything is clean. Your colon cleansing results will vary person to person but with the right specialist and the right supplements you could be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

Donna Robert said...

The worst time has passed”However, it is true that there are more improvements than before...because of the rising numbers of people living with HIV in the state of Nevada. How could they stigmatize all of them? Therefore everything becomes a little easier and we start to share everything... We also started to invite and visit each other in a community. You know, it is six years since I started taking antiretroviral drugs...Yet whatever problems I face, the worst time has passedWhen I was evicted from the family home by my mother, my father rented a small room for me. But my mother and brothers believed that having HIV was my own fault – and that I deserved to be punished...I also considered myself unworthy and without hope... But I have a child and eventually I convinced myself to live for my child’s sake.
My mother knew nothing [about HIV]. She didn’t understand anything. Do you know why? She didn’t have [the chance] to go out of the house and communicate with society. However, my father does interact with the community. I know his friends are mature and dignified africa america. So he has a better understanding than her.My father came call me on a sadfull day sitting on my couch about a friend of his from africa who introduce him to Dr Itua herbal  cure in africa in which he advise we should purchase his herbal medicine to cure my hiv so we did and Dr Itua prescribed I should drink the herbal medicine for two weeks to cure although we were so curious about the whole thing ,I finished the herbal medicine like he advised then he talked to me to visit my nearest clinic for check up I did and now I'm totally cured from Hiv my father was my rock and I and my family are now happy together also Dr Itua has be helpful in my community ever since he cure my Hiv so why I'm leaving  my story on here today is to reach out someone out here to hope on God and never give up no matter the situation you that you are facing especially through this pandemic seasons which has really taught us all on how we should be helpful to each other and cherish one another.Dr Itua cures the following diseases.....  Herpes,Liver cancer,Throat cancerLeukemia.,Alzheimer's disease,Chronic Diarrhea,Copd,Parkinson,Als,Adrenocortical carcinoma  Infectious mononucleosis.
Intestinal cancer,Uterine cancer,Fibroid,Bladder cancer,Hiv,Esophageal cancer,Gallbladder cancer,Kidney cancer,Hpv,Lung cancer,Melanoma,Mesothelioma,Multiple myeloma,Oral cancer,Sinus cancer,Hepatitis A,B/C,Skin cancer,Soft tissue sarcoma,Spinal cancer,Stomach cancer,Vaginal cancer,Vulvar cancer,
Testicular cancer,Thyroid Cancer.You can contact Dr Itua Herbal Center on E-Mail:  Or Whats-App Chat : +2348149277967