Friday, October 10, 2008

Colon Cleansing Diet: What’s Real and What’s Hype

Finding a colon cleansing diet can seem like searching for the fountain of youth or looking for a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow – a long journey that only leaves you tired and hungry. There are many recommendations for an effective colon cleansing diet. Some are just plain hype and others actually work.

Fiber – The Cornerstone

A genuine and effective colon cleansing diet is not comprised of a series of quick fixes stringed together to make for one rapid, drastic change. Rather, it is the altering of one’s lifestyle and eating habits that will lend the greatest benefits. If a colon needs to be cleansed, then it is certainly lacking or deficient in one key component – fiber.

Fiber is the cornerstone of a healthy colon cleansing diet. Fiber is responsible for keeping things moving in the colon. It’s a natural bulking agent that helps transport discarded matter form the colon during a bowel movement. You can think of it as your internal traffic control system – it helps food enter smoothly and make an even smoother exit.

To jump start a colon cleansing diet, you can buy a natural colon cleanse product that contains psyllium seed husks or simply buy the husks separately. As a natural bulking agent, psyllium swells inside the digestive system and forms into a jellylike mass that binds to recently digested food as well as compacted fecal matter stuck to the colon walls. Ingesting this high fiber substance with plenty of water on a daily basis will cause your body to gradually eliminate toxic, petrified fecal matter from your digestive system while increasing your daily fiber intake.

Once you are satisfied with the results achieved by ingesting psyllium husks, you can maintain your colon cleansing diet by simply adding more fiber to your regular diet. A diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, whole grains, beans, and legumes will also be high in fiber. A high fiber diet will keep your colon functioning optimally and prevent the accumulation of fecal matter.

Since fiber is water soluble you’ll want to be sure you drink plenty of water so the fiber has plenty of help flushing your digestive system. Regular exercise will also stimulate your colon to eliminate waste on a regular basis. It doesn’t have to be strenuous exercise, light walking do.

So, there you have it. No fountain of youth; no pot of gold - just simple facts. Avoid the hype-filled quick fixes. Some of them may work, but you’ll be tired and hungry in the end without a blueprint for lasting change. An effective colon cleansing diet is simple when approached with common sense and allowed to bring gradual long-term results.

Achieving Weight Loss by Cleansing the Liver and Colon

It is possible to achieve significant weight loss by cleansing the liver and the colon. Colon cleansing has long been an option for those interested in shedding a few pounds and it is not surprising as a colon can carry a large number of pounds in blocked waste matter. It is not the most attractive of topics but the truth is that completely clearing out the waste matter from the colon could result in at least 10 pounds weight loss. For most people, especially those with poor diets, the amount of pounds can raise a lot higher. Weight loss is one of the most popular reasons why people try out colon cleansing and this is no surprise considering how publicized the effects are made particularly in beauty magazines.

Cleansing the colon and liver can be accomplished in a number of ways and all of these results in weight loss. It is important that people remember not to overdo it especially as some of the methods are not designed for frequent use. A week long fast or juice diet, adjustments to regular diet plans, colon cleansing products and deep cleansing methods can all result in weight loss. Weight loss is not the only benefit as the results also include lots of energy, a better immune system, efficiently functioning vital organs and a higher resistance to cancer of the colon. Weight loss can be easily achieved when cleansing the liver and colon and this loss can be sustained if a proper fibrous diet is stuck to afterwards. Fiber, fruit and green vegetables can all contribute to maintaining a healthy weight.

Deep Colon Cleansing and the Effects on Weight Loss

Deep colon cleansing is an option for those wishing to lose a good deal of weight. One of the most popular methods, colonic irrigation, is perfect for quickly losing a few pounds and flattening the stomach. Bloating and some extra weight can often occur if there are blockages in the colon as it can lead to more water being retained. Deep colon cleansing and similar methods can become quite addictive to those wishing for significant weight loss. The feeling that occurs when a person realizes how many pounds they lost can be dangerously tempting to try and recreate and this can result in a lot of people using these methods more often than advisable.