Friday, August 10, 2007

Honestly Now, Is Colon Cleansing Safe?

If in doubt, leave it out. If, however, you do some research and think you may benefit from a colon cleanse, carefully schedule it and prepare for it, then a colon cleanse will be safe. If you are just doing it for a lark, look yourself in the mirror and say aloud, “I AM AN IDIOT.”


When is colon cleansing safe? When you take all aspects and side effects of it into account. One of the main dangers is dehydration. That’s when your body is screeching for water. It is a horrible feeling. I only wish that feeling on the worst of my worst enemies. Trust me – you would rather sit through an entire month of family reunions before you take one hour of dehydration symptoms.

Colon cleansing not only removes all the solids from your body, but quite a bit of liquids, too. Most colon cleansing programs or commercial formulas require that you fast a few days before hand, or eat only a liquid diet. But you have to keep drinking water or herbal teas. Avoid anything with caffeine or alcohol, as they will dehydrate you.

Can You Fast?

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, but I now look back on them as solid research for my current freelance writing career. When I was living in England, I read a few books on fasting. I liked the thought of not only overcoming bodily demands, but cleaning my body of toxins. The book recommended fasting one day per week.

Idiot me did not ask a doctor, “Is colon cleansing safe for me?”. I learned my body cannot handle even a one-day fast. Why? Because I have low blood pressure. If you have to eat regularly or have diabetes, blood sugar problems or a really serious illness, then when you ask yourself “Is colon cleansing safe?” the answer is NO.

Do You Have The Time?

You will have to take days off of work in order to safely cleanse your colon. Demanding little bugger, isn’t it? But there you have it. If there are many people completely reliant on you, then you can’t colon cleanse. Is colon cleansing safe for say, The President of the United States? No. Even though he keeps going on vacation, he still needs what’s left of his sense about him. A colon cleansing will knock you for a loop. Do not plan on doing anything more challenging than standing up for a few days. Is colon cleansing safe for someone on a week’s vacation to rest and relax at home? Yes.