Friday, November 23, 2007

Marketing Colon Cleansing Products

People are growing more and more obsessed with the idea of quick fix health products, weight loss products and basically any type of product which claims to perform miracle cures. Marketing colon cleansing products is becoming increasingly easy as a new wave of trends relating to colon cleansing have emerged in recent years. It is important to keep on top of health issues but it is also necessary to be aware of the duds and misinformed facts that are floating around. There are many colon cleansing products marketed both on and offline and while some are legitimate with medical studies to back them up, others are nothing more than laxatives. Laxatives are not a natural way of keeping the system healthy and it would be far better to assess the options available before getting to the stage where a colon cleansing product might be required. There are many unscrupulous people who are marketing certain colon cleansing products as exceedingly healthy but as with anything it is essential that people consult with their physician before taking a new type of supplement.

Assessing Colon Cleansing Products

The huge numbers of colon cleansing products available to purchase are growing every day. Manufacturers are taking advantage of the fact that people have access to more information about their health and ways to improve upon it. Products that perform colon cleansing are sometimes seen as short cut solutions when in fact, the need could be eliminated if we all undertook a healthier diet and lifestyle in the first place. Not all colon cleansing products are as healthy as they appear as many contain laxatives which can cause cramping as well as further side effects if used frequently. Most colon cleansing products are not designed to be relied upon but rather as an additional aid when absolutely necessary. Research into the background of a company before purchasing their products as you may discover that their claims may not be as true as they say.

Many of us are led astray by clever marketing campaigns and empty promises but the worst case scenario could be detrimental to a person’s health. Taking safety measures when looking out for a colon cleansing product could mean checking out the ingredients and the company’s reputation. Using colon cleansing products should really be done when absolutely necessary or when recommended by a doctor. There are more natural ways to ease bowel disorders while even herbal products can have nasty side effects. Assessing these products requires knowledge into all areas of bowel disorders and the treatments available in order to make an educated decision.

The Results Of Colon Cleansing

Colon Cleansing is becoming an increasingly popular ritual among not only the stars, but also average everyday people. Colon Cleansing a method where you colon is cleansed to remove toxins. It is believed that disease and illness begin with a toxic bowel. Getting a regular colon cleansing can not only heal the body, it can also make you feel more energetic and clean.

Look at the way our diets have evolved over the years, we eat fast food, hormone infested meat, even vegetables sprayed with insecticides. We live on a steady stream of sugar and processed foods. Unfortunately these man made snacks are messing up the natural flow of nature. Regular colon cleansing results in removing that nasty build up from your colon.

What Does Colon Cleansing Remove?

Colon cleansing results in removing something called mucoid plaque. Mucoid plaque is a harmful coating of mucus-like material existing in the gastrointestinal tracts of most people. This build up is meant to be naturally expelled from the body, but with stress and poor eating habits, it unfortunately remains and causes problems. The healthy colon weighs about 4 pounds. One autopsy revealed a colon choked with 40 pounds of impacted mucoid plaque! A colon cleanse results in preparing your body for optimal health by removing the mucoid plaque. You have over twenty feet of intestinal tract that your food has to pass through, most of the time, it gets lodged. This is what eventually leads to toxins being released into your body.

There are also other immediate colon cleansing results such as weight loss. Due to a build up in your intestines, when that is cleaned out, naturally you weigh less and look slimmer. This weight loss can range from five to twenty pounds in some cases. This is not a permanent fix, but many people rely on a colon cleanse to make their tummy’s look flat for a big night, such as a wedding or award ceremony. Bare in mind that immediately after a colon cleanse sometimes you retain water and look bloated. A colon cleanse is not suggested for merely cosmetic reasons, because it is essential that you follow with a healthier diet and an herbal follow up plan in order to maintain a healthy colon regularly. To receive optimum results you should repeat the process a few times to make sure that everything is clean. Your colon cleansing results will vary person to person but with the right specialist and the right supplements you could be on your way to a healthier lifestyle.

How Professionals Determine Whether Colon Cleansing Treatments Can Help You

The intense debates and controversies surrounding colon cleansing treatments can be rather bewildering! You can find a nearly even distribution between people who are willing to vouch for the benefits, and others who decry it as a useless and a potentially harmful procedure. The truth, as is usual in such extreme polarization, lies near the center of careful and logical appraisal of individual medical conditions. You can join the growing band of folk all over the world who have benefited from colon cleansing treatments, and stay away from the list of people who have been cheated and harmed by incorrect application of the procedure. Nothing can beat basic health literacy when it comes to picking your way through the maze of information on colon cleansing treatments.

The Most Pressing Reasons for Colon Cleansing Treatments

Young and active folk find it hard to imagine the distress that the elderly and the bed-ridden or sedentary experience at the absence of normal and satisfying bowel movements in the morning. The physical discomfort of facing breakfast and a full day ahead with the knowledge that wastes of earlier ingestion lie inside the abdomen, can drive you around the bend! It is not as though you have skimped on meals, and you must have chewed on all the fiber you possibly can as well! Muscular weakness is inevitable with old age and after prolonged illness also. Colon cleansing treatments can provide some measures of relief in such conditions, and who cares if high and mighty doctors condemn the benefits as being purely ‘psychological’? There could be a host of reasons for obstinate constipation, but there is no harm in trying colon cleansing treatments before venturing out on more sophisticated procedures.

Limits to Colon Cleansing Treatments

Do not expect water in your bowels to make up for balanced nutrition, your daily calorie requirements, and regular exercise. Know that your intestines absorb food far way from the point to which a speculum can reach, so do not be misled by quack claims about correcting nutritional deficiencies from which you may suffer, by adding stuff to the water used for colon cleansing treatments. Finally, do appreciate that the procedure needs skills, training, and experience: you do not want to conduct experiments on your body, or have apprentices learn at your cost! Find a certified practitioner with reliable credentials, and hygienic facilities to ensure that colon cleansing treatments deliver the goods for you!

Friday, September 21, 2007

You Can Make Your Own Colon Cleanse

You have your own reasons for going into the wacky world of colon cleansing. If you’re reading this article, I’m going to assume you have your reasons and are determined to get that colon cleansed somehow, come heck or high water. If you’ve looked at any of the colon cleansing products in stores or online, you’ve probably had a near stroke from the prices. Can you make your own colon cleanse? Of course you can.

Put Your Mad Scientist’s Cap On

If you are looking to make your own colon cleanse a serious process, think again. For crying out loud, think of what you are trying to do. You are literally trying to get rid of all the crap currently in your life. This need not be a somber process. On the contrary, you might find it quite a relief in more ways than one.

Think about why you want to make your own colon cleanse. If you think you should do it for kicks, get something else to kick you. If you think you will loose weight from it, think again. If you want to start a new healthy phase in your life then consider it. You can turn this into a liberating personal ritual.

You might feel better going on line or in a library and reading about “make your own colon cleanse”. Or, you can continue reading the rest of this article to learn about my intentional and non-intentional colon cleansing experiments.

Milk Of Magnesia

You want to risk going to the emergency room and yet get that colon clean as a virgin’s whistle, drink a few tablespoons of milk of magnesia. Make sure you do nothing for the next day. Me, I made the mistake of going to my normal college classes. Whoops. If you do this route, you will go and go and GO. Keep drinking water – not caffeine, not alcohol, WATER, unless you wind up in the back of my father’s car without realizing I’d passed out in the college library at the microfiche machine.

Wild Mushrooms

When I lived in England, there were years I was homeless and penniless. Someone leant me a guide to wild mushrooms, as there were many growing where I camped out. I accidentally discovered that wild English field mushrooms are only safe if you slowly acclimate your body to them. Otherwise, you’ll be standing in the High Street and suddenly FOOM. I felt horrible that day, but the next I felt great. I do not recommend this type of make your own colon cleanse.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Honestly Now, Is Colon Cleansing Safe?

If in doubt, leave it out. If, however, you do some research and think you may benefit from a colon cleanse, carefully schedule it and prepare for it, then a colon cleanse will be safe. If you are just doing it for a lark, look yourself in the mirror and say aloud, “I AM AN IDIOT.”


When is colon cleansing safe? When you take all aspects and side effects of it into account. One of the main dangers is dehydration. That’s when your body is screeching for water. It is a horrible feeling. I only wish that feeling on the worst of my worst enemies. Trust me – you would rather sit through an entire month of family reunions before you take one hour of dehydration symptoms.

Colon cleansing not only removes all the solids from your body, but quite a bit of liquids, too. Most colon cleansing programs or commercial formulas require that you fast a few days before hand, or eat only a liquid diet. But you have to keep drinking water or herbal teas. Avoid anything with caffeine or alcohol, as they will dehydrate you.

Can You Fast?

I’ve done a lot of stupid things in my life, but I now look back on them as solid research for my current freelance writing career. When I was living in England, I read a few books on fasting. I liked the thought of not only overcoming bodily demands, but cleaning my body of toxins. The book recommended fasting one day per week.

Idiot me did not ask a doctor, “Is colon cleansing safe for me?”. I learned my body cannot handle even a one-day fast. Why? Because I have low blood pressure. If you have to eat regularly or have diabetes, blood sugar problems or a really serious illness, then when you ask yourself “Is colon cleansing safe?” the answer is NO.

Do You Have The Time?

You will have to take days off of work in order to safely cleanse your colon. Demanding little bugger, isn’t it? But there you have it. If there are many people completely reliant on you, then you can’t colon cleanse. Is colon cleansing safe for say, The President of the United States? No. Even though he keeps going on vacation, he still needs what’s left of his sense about him. A colon cleansing will knock you for a loop. Do not plan on doing anything more challenging than standing up for a few days. Is colon cleansing safe for someone on a week’s vacation to rest and relax at home? Yes.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Discover New Levels of Well Being with a Professional Colon Cleanse

We are so conditioned to think of bowel movements as somehow unclean and private that the efficiencies and physiological elegance of the colon are often lost on us. Many people are not aware of the detailed structure and functions of this important part of the human body, and take it for granted. However, the discomforts arising out of constipation, diarrhea, pain and difficulties in passing stools, and of infections of the digestive tract, are all common knowledge. While there are some differences of opinion between practitioners of various systems of medicine with respect to using water to flush out the contents of the lower end of the digestive tract, most people emerge from a professional colon cleanse feeling energetic and satisfied.

How Does a Professional Colon Cleanse Differ from Self-Treatment?

There are obvious difficulties in manipulating a speculum in such an awkward part of the body. Even cutting one’s own hair should be easier in many respects that trying to irrigate one’s own colon! The lining of the digestive tract is delicate and can be easily damaged by clumsy insertion operations. Some people may react adversely to colon irrigation, and a professional makes the whole process safer, since he or she can respond quickly to an unexpected emergency. A professional colon cleanse is more thorough and safer as well than anything amateurs or lay people can manage. However, it is relatively easy to learn how to conduct a professional colon cleanse, so anyone can aspire to take up such work as a vocation after due training and apprenticeship.

When Should You Consider a Professional Colon Cleanse?

Recurring digestive upsets and changes in bowel movements are suitable occasions to opt for a professional colon cleanse. However, one has to be diligent about consulting with a doctor as well, because the symptoms may relate to a condition which a professional colon cleanse will not solve. Some alternative medicine practitioners also recommend irrigating the lower parts of the digestive tract to reverse the accumulation of toxins. A professional colon cleanse is worth trying in these circumstances, as most people experience a slew of benefits from the procedure. Accumulated fecal matter, poisonous residues, and a variety of bugs can clog the colon, and make you feel generally unwell. A clean and fully functional digestive tract is the foundation of staying active and away from disease. Try a professional colon cleanse today and you could enjoy a new chapter of good health, wellness, and energy!

Why Natural Colon Cleansing can be Important

At any given time, there is a certain amount of waste matter in our bodies waiting to be cleared. Natural functions struggle to eradicate toxins from the body that appear from the foods we eat. Waste matter is constantly putrefying inside a human’s body and can be made worse by the types of food eaten. Regular bowel movements are essential in order to maintain good health and keep our bodies free from disease. Cleansing our bodies must start from the inside and that is why natural colon cleansing is important. It is especially important for those who suffer from constipation or a low number of bowel movements. Leaving these problems to stagnate can only lead to ill health and this is obvious when we consider that colon cancer is now one of the most prolific forms of cancer. Although even those who already suffer from diseases relating to poor bowel movements can benefit from natural colon cleansing, it is important to perform these cleansings regularly even before symptoms occur. It can not be a one off solution; natural colon cleansing must be a regular and continuous effort in order to keep the internal organs fully functional. The benefits of natural colon cleansing can surpass even those of modern medicine as a growing number of people are using these techniques to beat illness.

Natural Colon Cleansing Diet

A natural colon cleansing diet can involve eating a diet rich in raw fruit and vegetables and avoiding refined sugars and alcohol. Natural colon cleansing supplements may also be taken as there are many herbs that have the power to kill parasites and worms that may exist internally. Other supplements may contain digestive enzymes which are essential to maintain healthy internal organs and can avoid problems like heartburn and acid reflux. Many natural colon cleansing supplements also contain good bacteria such as probiotics as well as herbs that stimulate the intestines and other bodily organs.

A natural colon cleansing diet can begin a major detoxification process starting with removing the waste in the colon. This is a necessary starting point that can be followed by clearing the entire body including blood and lymph systems from toxins. A total body cleanse including a natural colon cleansing diet may also benefit from a few days fasting or liquid diet. A healthy diet full of digestive enzymes and probiotics can restore the natural workings of the body and achieve maximum health.